[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

No, I won’t be knocked off immediately again I’m afraid.
I will always attempt to sieze power.

But Kyo I’m president. We already determined this. Pay attention

both of you are fools, i am the only true president
only i can guide this court

Wanna be my Vice President. I like ur style

i think i want to be president still

All you’d be doing is guiding us to despair.
Hope is where it’s at!

guiding people to despair would be trying to convince people chihiro is best girl when miu is clearly best girl

no im president thanks

No,that’s WRONG!

The FUTURE shall guide us all!

We must keep our wits sharp and our swords sharper. The forces of Despair walk amongst us, and will stop at nothing to destroy us good, simple folk, bringing our fine school to ruin. Trust no-one. But, if you must trust someone, trust me.

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Hope in today.
Hope in tomorrow.

Hope will always be with us.

I swear I’m going to have to say Hope in every post.

Is everyone else going to RP?

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If people do I will actually quit

is yes. = hope?

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TFW the sign-up thread is as long as some games


Blame eevee
