[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

scum has its appeal, but i can play carefree as town and have fun that way

I like wondering for one hour if my “henlo candy” entrance post was too wolfy


I totally forgot you do that. :smile:

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Were you on Orange’s game?

@solic ISO me on this.

You were scum right?

I was town.

Mercenary why

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I was using the phrase to test my internet connection since I was traveling
but it never allowed me to send the following reply so I just kepting SOSing to the void

I demand c o i n for vig shots

This is just going to be another game where people just demand Monocoins rather than do reads and end up mislynching themselves to a loss, right?

Kind of why I put the Hope Counter as it rewards the entire village for playing right rather than only one or two players.

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It was a joke xd


Either of you interested?

Does this outright stop bleeding, or just pause it for a day?


Or am I misreading in that it’s actually a preventative guard against bleeds and doesn’t affect ongoing bleeds?

But can mafia get alignment check so that town wouldn’t have it?

Bandage Wrap Bandage Wrap Bandage Wrap Bandage Wrap Bandage Wrap Bandage Wrap Bandage Wrap Bandage Wrap Bandage Wrap Bandage Wrap Bandage Wrap Bandage Wrap

Already singed up for two Fols and something outside of that so I’m going to be too busy

This only starts 2nd November.

huh I might join then depending on if it fills today or tomorrow