[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

I did, and I hope I’ll get some fun because of players and not setup.

I don’t expect to try too hard this game.

(except I almost always end up trying anyway starting from ~ D2 when I say that)

But no wallposts from me D1.

Baudib and Wisdom didn’t join…

@Ryast @Pilica @TrustworthyLiberal @Limestone

Informing that I’m Underking on MU, if some of you are not already aware. Don’t want to waste time posting this during the game.

Wrong chat

Limestone, unhide your profile, it’s inconvenient to ISO you if it’s like that.


pls don’t start this before the 19

Starts tomorrow.

Or maybe not, idk.

At what time? :eyes:

1 Like

As if I know.

alice has disappeared

Oh wait she posted two days ago

HELP. My Nintendo Switch is magical.

Don’t worry! I can make it more magical!

No, I’m serious.


This happened overnight

What I’m confused

I don’t get it explain more pls

I had 2 left controllers, 2 right.

Now I have 3 right, 1 left.


I was using them yesterday to play SwSh, so they were okay.
Doors is closed and I even have alarm system which was turned on whole night.

I saw noone with a switch either yesterday so they weren’t mixed up, that for sure.

Hell, they were okay when I turned console off yetsrday after playing SwSh.