[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

1 pln = 26 US cents, for the Americans in the room

I think

Can I claim it after year of using console?

It’s within year of getting the joycons iirc
Age of console itself does not apply

Those joy cons were bought WITH the console, like standard set, ya know?

‘hello yes I bought this joycon a year ago and just noticed that actually it has two right halves rather than one left and one right half’

I don’t have a solution in that case

The problem is that polish nintendo is located in Czech.

Yea, I know, logical.

Seems normal ngl

So it takes over 2 weeks for them to even check the case and they often demand sending stuff to them.

I consider buying new pair and just switch one with them and return to store with switched around joycons.

are you absolutely certain that you couldn’t have accidentally swapped with someone yesterday

But that would be evil as someone would buy them and be HEAVILY confused.

I definetly am.

Alright well it was that or someone came into your house and did it so

I used them yesterday evening after all.

I dislike using yellow ones, they are iritating me due to same color

> invade someone’s house
> swap out one of their left joycons for one of your right ones
> leave

If Eevee is messing with us I’m banning them

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Like different colors would be so much better to have each joycon different.

I made mistake with buying yellow ones.

If that was the case I would be rolling


while disarming and arming alarm system meanwhile.