[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

Post the switch picture on Reddit and let Reddit solve the mystery.

Imagine how different this game would have been if Vulsquid had randomly chosen to visit Astand on N2


In hindsight we severely underutilized Maxwell’s role

In particular, we could have made Derps claim his actual target and had Maxwell target the same person, and probably avoided a mislynch

@DatBird @astand @MaximusPrime @Mercenary @Shurian @PokemonKidRyan
Can one of you give us an updated invite link to mafia academy mafia discord so we can get the other two mafia classcards from there? Please make sure to edit this link so that it doesn’t expire this time (the first one posted on the mafia academy thread has expired).

@Arete @PoisonedSquid If you are comfortable posting your full mafia academy classcard, please do so.

@any other town from mafia academy as well
for reference sake

if only I hadn’t switched off of healing Simon 2 hours before EoN

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He was poisoned
What were you thinking lmao

He wasn’t poisoned, is the thing, and we knew he couldn’t be realpoisoned because if he were realpoisoned the game would have autoresolved

He was fake poisoned. Arete was real poisoned.


They will tell him to buy carbon monoxide detector.

I left the server.

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or, well, we did consider the possibility that he was realpoisoned Mafia, but the scenarios where that made sense mostly involved Vulsquid being a town poisoner who poisoned two people without announcing the intent to do that


Now you know why Eevee was considering canning the game early game

Also about the translating chinese hentai thing
It happened from a bot in our server, and we had to delete some posts

Oh god, that picture will haunt my nightmares forever after.

Pure nightmare fuel.

D’Artagnan, Porthos, Aramis & Athos
Mafia JOAT Hydra

Before a game starts you should asign each musketeer to each player.

Musketeers have following abilities:

D’Artagnan - If you die, remaining players will continue as 3 musketeers.
You may visit someone benignly, this visit will be the only visit that appears to trackers or similar roles. If your hydra performs the factional kill you cannot perform this visit.

Porthos - Select a hydra head, roleblock any player who targeted that specific player, or select a player and roleblock them if they target you.

Aramis - Visit a player and learn their flavor.
If you visit same player as Athos did on any previous night, you will learn theirs exact rolecard.

Athos - Visit a player and learn who they targeted.
If you visit same player as Aramis did on any previous night, you will learn theirs exact rolecard.


You have 1 vote, which any of you might use, but only one person at the same time. Each time when submiting vote, please note if it’s real or fake one.

Post limit: You have following post limits:
Mercenary - max. 50 posts per day
DatBird - max. 50 posts per day
Shurian - max. 50 posts per day
Maximus - max. 50 posts per day

If any player exceeds that limit, that player’s vote will count as 0 at the end of the day


Disquieted Last Monday at 9:31 PM

I think it’s fake announcer

ah yea

Arete Last Monday at 9:32 PM

hm, I’m not sure why you wouldn’t use a fake announcement to fake an IC reveal but maybe it only allows for fake poisons




Please do not eat toxic glue to relax from stress in FM game.
And if you do, at least inform someone irl about it.

Hosts task is not to give toxicology advice to people, but to host game.

Thank you.

DisquietedLast Monday at 9:36 PM



Peak Moments From Hydra Chat