[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22




i will be part of the student council
it’s a position that people would KILL for

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Nah imma fight for it. But I ain’t gonna kill ya if I dont get it

I might :eyes:

:dagger: “I’m taking it.”

Let’s be friends Italy

what im hearing town god emperor, holder of a 1005 pelts, the king of gayness should be president

But Kai. I’m president :(. Wanna be my vice

this is a coup

Can I at least be your vice president. I would step down for ya

I don’t want to be rpesident.

I want to be history guy.


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ok fine

Why is everyone campaigning for President?

Because I’m the Secretary

pokes head That’s where you’re wrong

@Alice does by Friday still seem possible? Irl is way more important but just checking cause curious

I will build big wall. Biggest wall ever seen. Vote me.

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did you really think that would work

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I will build water wall. Not only will it be biggest wall ever, it will be good source of clean electricity. It will be in the ocean.