[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

Oh sick ryast is in


I need you to kidnap high school
students for my killing game
ask people offsite in places like Pokebeach or Hypixel to join my match. Kind of aiming for more than 30 players, or at least 30 since Astand and Icibalus left.

Monokuma, what did you do to Alice?!?

She is not the person controlling me and the mastermind behind the killing game, no siree.


Technically, she was already in. With Astand and Ici gone this makes 27 players. Rn I’m trying to find at least 3 more so we at least can get 30 players.

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Awww rip.
Well, hope it goes well.

Though hope will never die.

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Pkr posted the 666th post. Hes the devil. Is it time for mass pingus

after I’m out of school I’ll help


The counters will be updated at each EoD.

Jesus christ the mechanics are on maximum overdrive

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I STG that no more mechs will be added. Honest.

I just wanted to make d1 more interesting VCA-wise.


People will get lost in the mechanics


The amount of new mechanics is indeed pretty intimidating.

Just treat the SC like the King.

I feel like game is going to end on d4
kp during the day is at least 3 without any roles or other effects starting d2

or they will play for like 5 hours a day

Probs not, depending on a lot of factors.

A) I’m planning on reworking the President to prevent free KP by appointing>killing. Basically, the President should use the day ability as a prevention against wolves sneaking into SC positions, not free kills.
B) Village KP/day from lynches is at most 3, realistically will be closer to 2. You effectively assumes that people won’t be mass-pardoning players in the Scrum debate due to the mindset here that people aren’t going to be adamant in letting their townreads live even if they need to be killed to solve their slots.
C) There will be some, but very limited KP roles from the village while the wolf gets the claim-vig, the factional, and potentially some more power that boosts their KP but not completely swings the game.

So basically. Assume every day we have a lynch and a scrum execution happens every other day and the village KP is spread out so 1.5 kill happens every cycle. Assume we also start with 30p.


1 NSD Exe. 1 claimvig because let’s face it as it’s going to happen in this site, 1 factional, 1 Village KP.

We get 26 players SoD2.


1 NSD Exe, 1 AA Exe, 1 claimvig 'cause lol, 1 factional, 2 Village KP.

We get 20 players SoD3.


1 NSD Exe, 1 AA Exe, 1 SD Exe, thinking people will stop claiming by now or the claimvig may be dead so less restrictions on it, 1 factional, 1 Village KP, 1 additional wolf KP.

We get 14 players SoD4.


1 NSD Exe, 1 AA Exe, 1 factional, 1 Village KP.

We get 10 players SoD5.


1 NSD Exe, 1 AA Exe, 1 SD Exe, 1 factional

We get 6 players SoD6, with AA and SD being removed.

So roughly if the KP goes in a medium prediction then we’ll see XYLO close around D7 if it’s a close match. If it’s a stomp, it’ll end up a lot earlier.

If the KP goes in a low prediction as in TKs and wolf KP die early, people pardon a lot, people don’t claim for no reason, and protective roles actually do their job, then this match can actually last a long while. If something like town blows up all their KP on themselves and let wolves KP do their thing, then yeah, this’ll be a pretty short game.


Ye expect 8KP/day