[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

My style as a villager lately has been writing all my thoughts as they come to me, no matter how silly, and assuming people will inevitably find me villagery for it.

Yeah, I kind of understand. Lately I’ve kind of developed anxiety when wolfing as I basically feel as if I need to make my posts perfect.

You people are worrying about being scum while I’m sitting here anxious if I’m town about screwing us all over.

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But being myself gets me voted.

I have been, at one point in every non-replacement game where I was available to be voted, the top wagon.

I’ll be honest, I’m a LHF, but it’s not because I slank or anything.

It’s the other way around for me
Like I did very good d1/d2 on an MS newbie game, but felt the need to replace out anyway as town

Then tone down the FPSing, lol.

Like, it usually messes town up on this site because of the sheer amount of reliance on mechanics here.

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Just have intentionality 4head

What is the point if we have to play normally? That gives no route for outplaying the opponent. It’s not fun at all.

You read the wolves and push on them.

FPSing gets better and infinitely more fun when you know what you’re doing
I’m p sure everyone loves it

LOTRM i was literally breaking down from anxieity, I could have posted so much but the anxiety of everything was cracking down on me so hard that I was frozen so hard. Thats why i fell into pitfalls of a readlist (i almost never make these anymore unless im scum or pushed to) as I watched people berate me for it. Like getting modkilled sucked but it pulled so much weight off me. Like that game literally had me crying at work. And even though i let my team down megatime, I feel like it was an eye opener of everything what not to do. Hopefully i can use it as a stepping stone, but i fear the anxiety will just get worse, but that just anxiety telling me that.


I meant tone down lol. FPSing is fine as I do it from time to time. Claiming Prince in duress when there’s a chance the real Prince could execute you for it is… not.

That claim was completely planned. I honestly feel as though I did pretty decently there.
At most I thought I’d be jailed.
I had so much softs I couldn’t send them in a jail message because of the 1000 character limit.

This is why I focus so much on anti-spew and distancing. In MU where you have strong villagers who perform very accurate spew analysis, if you don’t have a strong anti-spew game you could end up locking the game for town.

What I tell myself when I feel scared as Wolf is to chill tf out and come back with the attitude that I’m going to flip town on its head
Taking breaks does wonders

Tbh, your softs you pointed out were meh.

I felt as though a readslist would be more important which is why I had to give you what to look for rather than them upfront.

Also, I know some people here are underage, but I when I wolf while drinking I don’t have anxiety, so yeah.

In the next two games I play, I will ruthlessly FPS
Let it be known



Have you tried villaging while drunk?