[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

Hippo hosted a forum and created all of us only so he could classify as a community to the MU championship


Because he can’t carry a game while dead


Big if true

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Idk if this is still relevant since I couldnt tell u the last game we were in together, but just be confident in yourself and fight for your slot when pushed, dont give up ever. Your greater than you think, and iirc your reads in VCFM were pretty good

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My influence still reigns even after the game has ended.
Luxy has experience in it.

I honestly don’t know how to eval Merc

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Also I kind of realize now why people here don’t bother to do associations from me and don’t clear me from pushing on wolves.


She has a pretty transparent thought process when she’s a villager, though.

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I’ve never seen you as a wolf on this site

Tbf you only confused us after the game

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I might’ve

In VCFM I locktownned people too easy. I couldn’t see how Orange and Kitten were drowning my voice even when it was blatantly obvious because I followed the consensus too much.

I mean as a player

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:man_shrugging: thats a good point, but you could make it a open setup and tweak it with changes, idk. I like it a lot and cant wait to see what you do next. I still never got to play an infection

I don’t understand how people even can say ‘locktown’
Nobody is locktown. They’re all potentially mafia. Never trust anyone. There are only clears and non-clears.

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There are locktown
How else would villa create towncores

I’ve never heard of the word ‘towncore’ since around two games ago.

When I started here I feel I was a lot worse as scum than town but now I think it’s kind of reversed
Idk why

the powerhouse of the cell

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I just make a towncore out of the people I trust the most, and then dont lynch them as seen in clown fiesta