[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

Dont know how to rp this character too well, but I’ll give it my best :wink:

Considering character name is NAI, you can say it and I can happily provide ideas.

I’ll consider it, idk like I kinda want to learn more about the character first but I’ll come to you if I’m stumped

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Alright bird brain, go ‘learn’ about those losers.

Oh no, what have u become

Miu Iruma, the Ultimate Inventor is my name!
Though if you want to call me the Dazzling Genius then that’s fine too~

Hi math

Sorry no. Between being made hourly and trying to buy a house there isn’t a way for me to really post enough.

First of all, can we mention our flavors before the game starts or do we have to keep them a secret for now?

huh, I’m confused

Tbh, I’d rather wait until the game starts.

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@Alice what’s everyone on about with this flavor.

Got it, I won’t give hints :ok_hand:


Get rekt PKR

Like, I don’t mind being that flavor is NAI, but still lol.

Thank God you said that though cuz I was about to photoshop a mista hat on my character

Fine, I’ll be good and not go too into it.
Holding back this is so unbearable



PM me then.