[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

Did you try the 36/12s?

The 12/12s do have hellish timing, though.

I don’t remember the timing of the one game I played. I don’t think it was a 12/12, actually. It wasn’t a mash, I think it just had vanilla roles.

Maybe I’ll try MU again after I finish school.

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Also, the fact I’m horrible at reads makes it a little difficult to play there. :joy:

Though I guess I could use that argument for any FM site.

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At least you try, tbh.


Yeah, if i would, i would try my damnest to convince Marl back, but i know hes pissed, so i understand his decision.

Also, this could do more than 30, due to there being 48 characters total (Not including Monokids and shit)

It’s funny because there was a period of time when my reads were godlike. A very short period of time.
Take a look at Memesky’s Mountainous from around a year ago to see what I mean.

I don’t know what happened. :joy:

Honestly, me

Meta changes, plus people have more experince, plus everyone has a NAI meta, so reading from tone and motivation is harder than before.

Depends a lot. Many people here have just started FM.

Probs the players who improved the most here were FK and I.

Except when it comes to managing emotions, I’ve gotten several times worse here.

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do we even have 48 people?

Probs not

But we can go over 30 is what im saying.

Eh, not exactly.

Solic, Astand, Hja, and DatBird are some of the players on the top of my mind that have a stupidly contrasting meta that I can get a perfect read on them with just a few posts.

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I can probably try to get some of my friends at MU to join, tbh.


Honestly true.

My has gotten better (Even though ive been on hiatus)

Fk is like the only person i cant read for jack, but thats cause hes literal chaos.

Then they will see discourse is better and we can petition MU to change to discourse

I think you can genuine read FK based on two things.

As wolf he doesn’t really care about villagers dying and won’t do anything to help them if he sees a villa dying, while at villas he will try to be more hands-on in V/V conflicts.

As wolf he also tries to pull a lot of gambits and FPSing while he never does this as a villager and tries to go for a more social and traditional approach.

Watch him change his playstyle yet again after this.


Me: :eyes:

Why do you point this out

Im not having this become RM2 again

Both FK evolving, and getting pocketed by Blue.

Delete this now before he sees it