[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22


She already outed that there is Anti-Claim Mechanics this game.

I haven’t finished any game, so I don’t have a best girl. Too bad I can’t join.

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I’ve only finished V3 yet I’m here! :sunglasses:

Take him away!

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i’m halfway into danganronpa 2

Finished anime. Seen DR1 and DRV3 playthrough. I can guess what happened DR2. I know nothing about DRAE.

I’ve finished everything except for Another Episode

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You can’t! I’m not even in the game! I’m a sub!

Take his computer away and download all the danganronpa games, then forbid him from returning until he finishes them

“Best girl” pshhh.
Speak for yourself. I think I win.

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I already own DR, DR2, and DRV3. All that’s left is to play them. …and I don’t have time for that.

Then make time!

No can do. RL takes priority.

Bend reality to create more time!

I own them all except the fps looking one and once winter break comes I want to go through them

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Don’t know what’s wrong with them but Chihiro is 100% best girl.

(Is also only DR1 character in my top 10)


But chihiro’s a bo-

Byakuya best character.

You are truly the lowest scum in human history.