[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

The notion of a SFW forum is merely a fleeting dream


If that’s how u feel there’s nothing wrong with that. Ur reads are ur reads and u shouldnt let arete stop you. Maybe im just biased but I cant believe jake would do this as town.

I’m Bad At This

you are below the age of consent in my state my dude


hey the one in texas is like 17 iirc but i have full reign on most below that.

Not that i would ever get the chance to use it

me tho

U even got that I only use u and urs. Lol

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That’s the sort of thing that’s easy to get right if you pay attention

Imitating abstract tone stuff is harder

in spain it’s like 12.

Let’s find the forumer with the lowest age of constent laws in their country.
(incognito mode, activate)


marshal wtf

Sorry to busy in Australia doing my race u know :stuck_out_tongue:

Can you link me to a game you’ve been in, or at the very least a long post of yours?

Definitely not

Got a few coming right up

:man_shrugging: i remember my freind telling me that when we were talking about his trip to spain. Blame him.

Give them some BMG games.


I havent been hedging.

your mindset is terrible. you dont care about solving at all, only looking town.

scumlean on Priestess for defending you

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Do me pls

I did you already Maxwell