[FM] Danganronpa FM (Sign-ups - 41/41) - Rolling Nov 22

It’s good if you are utilitarian

Libertarian bad

ah yes, the known synonyms :thinking:

I’m debating whether or not to give people tips on how to read me because I know if I do so it’ll make it harder for me to play scum

Realized if someone looks for word they won’t find re in

spk boss

Debate me on that

Didn’t we mislynch him D1 in my last scum game?

Time to reread OP


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Just kill all the scummy people and mislynch the townie ones

gg easy

Authoritarian way is the only true way


Instructions unclear
Killed the host

What’s with the kill Boss N1 meta lately


How to scum:
> Kill the player who’s solved basically the entire scumteam N1 because We Need To Get Mordor Out Of The Way
> Say you’re going to do nightkill analysis
> Realize he’d figured out basically your entire scumteam
> Write up a post that completely ignores all of his accusations against your buddies
> Don’t get called out for it because literally no one else bothered to look at his Iso

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Anarcho capitalism

Capitalism, but with 5% government control

remove goverment completly
