[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

A non player has been lynched indeed!

Night 2 starts!


So yea, gathering night actions.

I’m still waiting for some late actions.

This post does not exist anymore

This post doesn’t exist either.

(I’m totaly using worst pictures I can find)

Stop posting, day didn’t start yet.



Have a nice picture for once.


I might have gone soft.

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Day 3 has started.

It will last… 36 hours.

Oops I went into modabuse by accident

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Delet this

But I was going to make a complainey point and I still will soooo…

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Can confirm Simon is a player
/Vote Psycho

This game is like 14 players + infinite amount of jesters

/vote X-blade 5

I cop checked this as mafia

Third lyncher alert.

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Read ISO

But you know what. I have another fun tidbit of “information”. Does information really exist in this game.

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Get Psycho out first