[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

Or XBlade 9 is me, so I can finally get out of this game.

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Don’t make me occupy you in past/present/future. :eyes:


So like would a hider affect this?

You. Tell. Me. :eyes:

Did you sent in your action late?


Send them usually when night ends
edit: day*

Then I’m betting it was no hidden mechanic of you.

Can you vote XBlade 9 yet?

I will elevate my levels of deathtunneling towards even completely anonymous people.


/vote Xblade9

Like did you lose any abilities because realistically no one should have been able to target me since i was hiding. Only th in ngs that afect you would have also affected me

9 is just a scum number.

and 6 is town

Not that I’m aware of. I just didn’t receive some feedback.

Whether that had to do with you or someone else targeting PKR. Who can tell.

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I refuse to lynch someone who requests it. You want to get out; you’ll have to work for it.

Hey Maxwell. Are you a player here?

I am. I voted yesterday