[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

That doesnt mean anything in this game

Well I am a player, promise.

Can you accuse XBlade 9? They’re scum.

No because that’s you and you are just asking us to free you lol

I don’t know what my number is. RNG dictated it…

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We dont know our numbers it was random and we werent told

You can see that above.

Fair, no one does so it may not be.

RNG is my friend

Do you know what your number is? :eyes:

RNG is my best buddy and town’s best friend.

Town sure can use the friends right about now.

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I do not but I interpreted you as saying you knew you were 9 in a prior message. Apparently that was an incorrect analysis

Nooo jokes. Jokes all around.

Because lord we need humor in this game.

Ahhh Maxwell. You know all my scum alerts are tingling when I talk to you.

But if you just vote XBlade 9, I’ll ignore it.

Pinky Promise.

:eyes: Looking you straight in the eyes.


Get back here.


/vote Xblade9

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