[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

Doubt they’ll answer since this whole troll mechanic isn’t even in the OP :expressionless:

(3v11 vanilla is scumsided)

what about 3v11 strawberry

rolls over

But we’re not vanilla roles. I was outed by Squid p-much :expressionless:

rubs belly

“Who’s a good boy~ That’s right, it’s you!”

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(:^) )

Throws Geyde a treat

“Good doggo!”


Scratches Geyde behind the ears.


My D1 check shown Slot 2 as Mafia.
It could be a false result (Since it’s bastard) but it’s better than nothing

don’t mind me :^)

(Also figuring out how this setup works is quite literally a waste of time.)

Max please. I’m trying to sort this out :expressionless:

I’m just petting Geyde though

He’s a good boy

You dare stand in the way of the Good Boy?

(I am sorry that I converted him to furry)

what since when was i a furry

I’m a furry and a gamer. Preference actually is gamer.
