[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

Mathblade becomes host if i die

But FK, I’m only in like one other game. It’s that I have Chem stuff and other stuff such as playing Danganronpa 1 again

They are the neutral host

Wanting to just survive this mess siding with whoever has majority

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@Solic are you sure merc is scum?
2 characters of binary for no (regardless of what they are)
3 for yes

too bad

Don’t blame me, blame my professors And my regrowing love for Danganronpa

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I’m so bored…

11110110 00100110 10000110 00101110 10000110 01001110 00101110 01110110 11110110 11000110 00000100 10000110 01110110 10100110 10101110 01000110

Wait wtf why are you a cat

11001110 11110110 11100110 10100110 10101110 01010110 00000100 10100110 00100110 00000100 11001110 11110110 11000110 10101110 01001110 00101110 00000100 11001110 11110110 00110110 00000100 10000110 01001110 10000110 00001110 00000100 11110110 01110110 10100110 10101110 01000110 00000100 11001110 10100110 00000100 11110110 00101110 01110110 10000110 11001010 00000100 10101110 00101110 10010110 01001110 10110111 00001110 11001110 10100010 00000100 00110110 10100010

Okay fair enough

Good, hired?

Ping me on discord if someone dies



/shoot Mercenary
@discobot roll 1d100

:game_die: 30

Henlo guys I was sleeping
What is happening

My fucking god I can’t even read the thead due to huge binary textwalls

Sigh, and that’s why I said this game was playable as long as I hosted it.

Even if it was a mess, it was calculated mess.

Now it’s just a pure chaos wich is discouraging people…


Eh, screw it, i doubt well win at this point anyway /vote mercenary

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Vote Count

Merc-Simon dat-2/4