[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End


also /unvote

Psycho reminds me of Liv from Fates FM with the Marriage chat and kids bullshit.

Hi outta here again, I’m NP!

Is this a good or bad thing?

it means hes VI

That was my first game!

wait was it really

damn its been a long time since that game

wasnt it in july?

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I was alchemist in that game remember ?

yea no

that was a flavor game with ITAs


I mean I was survivor in that game

Goal to survive Thats What I mean

too late u fucked up.

nice try though

I did ITA eevee D1

I mean some ppl call neuts with surv goal alchemist

I’m the Overnind


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What does overnind do


and was one of the biggest memes that happend on this site that cancelled probs one of the most interesting bastard games ive seen.

I want to get off MR. @eevee’s wild ride


I sure hope there’s no ITAs here. Having one in a 14 player set-up is a terrible idea

Htm revealed who scum was

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