[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

I don’t know?
I can give any objects in the game

Meh. Why not?

/vote Margaret

Give me Aghanims Scepter its a fun item in the game

Hammer stop talk

Why you do this

Nay. Only the host is allowed to stop me.

: (

Vote Count

Celeste- Geyde PKR Meteor Dat Psy Gamer Ici Solic -Hjaisk Merc Zone-11/8

Day continues

I need popcorn

The ride never ends

@Blizer, @PoisonedSquid, @Wazza, @Simon, @Isaac_Gonzalez
Let’s all focus on @Margaret!

I’m still the co-host…

Modkill margaret then

  1. Do you think I care?
  2. Your vote on me is still written at FK’s VC. Just do it.

By the way @Kirefitten, if you are a player as well, then why are you not voting Margaret?

/unvote fk is stupid.

They are in relationship

He isnt a player,he is trolling

hja no

Gey no

Regardless… within 45 minutes, 48 hours will have passed since the beginning of the game.