[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

i know one person who is a player. wont say who or how though

I legit lost my main ability last night

You wouldn’t make that up

Dat is player

Wait a night

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wait, that fucking sucks.

Meteoro who do ypu give the item to and what did you name it

Also,why do I feel the nightkill was random?

PKR,not a player

on another note, who was killed?

like which person?


Holy shit.

Yeah he did.

We dont know its bastard

what does it do in lore?

Its the most powerful item in the game.

Who knows? Only the wielder

well duh, thats what im trying to figure out

hm. maybe thats why i couldnt find it to pick it up

I named It Heaven’s havert or something similar

What did it look like?