[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

Vote Count!

Squid-Blizer Geyde-2/7

ok. i was just told something. by eevee (so grain of salt but still)
apparently in the 3 minutes before i posted someone else took it

Heads up,ici isn’t blacklisted

Host is changing OP

The bastard.

@Solic what did you do last night?

Remember Eevee can lie


Honestly prepare for this game to go to hell if Divine Rapier is broken.

yeah i know

I checked It a few hours ago,It changed recently

any longer*
eevee removed that once the roles started rolling

To be fair we don’t know for sure whether it is good or bad

Im sure I saw it on d1

It has a good chance of being a Vig item that could pierece anything

or any vig basically.

hopefully limited uses

Most likely

guys if we vote FK he wont have to do votecounts anymore! he’ll be free!
/vote fk

If we vote the VC slave,we should vote the host
/Vote Eevee

but then we’d be trapped here. also i dont like attracting the hosts vengeance that strongly. so im sticking to eevee’s underling for now

ooh. time to test for bastard.
@Margaret are you allowed to post still?

So you just lost the ability? Temporarily or for good? Either way that sucks