[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

I already won. Now my purpose is just to evade everything. I was Lyncher, target Marg.

But if I say my alignment, you’ll know what neutrals are so… Nah

/vote squid
Doubt they are a player tbh

Or still have to live to win
Or can do anything and still win

Vote Count!

Squid-Blizer Geyde Maxwell Meteor-4/7

Ignore him he’s trolling

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P-Much. I already won so I gained night evasion. Every time a townie is lynched I gain a buff. If I kill (target role) I win.


Your Alchemist aint ya?

Pkr’s iso lines up perfectly with the lyncher claim.


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yatta yatta vote squid

Sounds like a blend of alch and scorned

@Meteoro is not in game

I’m in game. How do you think I know wincon and alignments? Simple because I asked the alignment and wincon of my target then made up a fake claim based on it

Im in game,do you want info from my card?

Wait wut

My head is confused.

Big reads here folks

You aren’t in game because of how you have acted.

Why would TS target a player who directly lead to the lynch of town?

I also know every buff I get per town dying.
Next I get a free vigi shot :slight_smile:

I throught the claim was legit