[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

probably a observer ability

Probably chakra ability

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Not really, is more of a support ability


It washes your chakra

Apparently PKR is not a player then… :roll_eyes: This game…

That probably means Meteoro is town too as they have proveably targeted him.

Who expects logic in a bastard game anyway.

But this can be a lie too soooo yeah. :smile:

So we can eliminate PKR and Ici as “players” here at least. leaving us with 10 real players and 2 fake ones among these.

Merc isnt a player i believe.

How are you sure of this?


Are you a pest or an actual player?

He said already

I still find it weird that Psycho is Radiance and the rest of us have a town card.

He maybe the last player thats a spectator

Because, he claimed Radiant, and we were all confused about that.

Yeah,with this post I doubt merc is playing

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Geyde said he attempted to spectate

Well Eevee is now telling me that actually I didn’t receive the “your target is not a player” feedback. So PKR might be a player still and Meteoro might be full of shit.

… marvelous.

Eevee is going to whatever it takes to make us question eeverything

I mean, idk

His Behaviour tells me hes in the game, but if he is lying, i gotta give him credit.

Give me a night and I probe myself