[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

We reslly should figure out who is and who isnt in the game, it may be even more important than finding scum

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Why solic?

Do you have any passives?

because the way they’re interacting with each other mainly give me a bad vibe, but both of them are convincing in their own right. so one is fake

Not unless they’re hidden.

I outed all I got except for my flavour name and one ability name.

Im pretty sure its meteoro, I doubt solic would be this active if they were just trolling

I wouldn’t waste my time trolling some other person’s game like this with 200 posts, but sure call me fake. :roll_eyes:

so, plan for tonight is:
@Solic use whatever ability you used on wazza on meteoro tonight
@Meteoro use whatever ability you used on pkr on solic tonight


Why, I don’t doubt Meteoro is in the game.

Why are you a player in this game? :eyes:

i think he could, but i dont really know solic well enough to make that assumption, personally

And i can refresh whoevers items.

What would you do if I wasn’t a player in the game ?

Simon vote PKR please.

I dont think anyone would be so active on a game they are not part of, not just you

Ok so your the only one i can trust atm, solely because i visited you last night and i did not die. My ability would have killed me if you were an opposing team. Im just wondering why i lost my ability

Btw,I can’t give items already in Game,so claim if you have a hammer

I want to know for sure a good couple of people who are in game. this starts giving us a block on which we can build on later, by finding out which abilities can tell whos in game

Maybe because PKR vanillized you…? Hence he’d be a player in this game… vote him.

how could pkr vanilize?

Unless he had a higher priority i should have been immune to all visits