[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

If we don’t lynch him, he might just be forced to target me. Aahhh why is this is so hard to read.

Yes, but you see, that’s a scum mindset.

everyone I know is real:

  1. Solic - town
  2. Me - town
  3. XBlade 6 - town
  4. Maxwell - scum

Just cross check the hammer charts too.

And it’s a bastard game.

Last time I took one of these seriously I got mad as fuck at Twi.

Now let me drive home.

well for stuff like that there could be abilities making people easier to lynch, so im not fully sure of those people, just fairly sure

I think you’re being too paranoid. There is a limit.

So Simon tell me what this does.

No. Whenever the wielder dies it is passed on. 7 was the original wielder and I received it because I made the dumb move of killing 7. That’s why I don’t think the divine rapier can lose this game. It could be drawed (if everyone dies last night), but doesn’t seem it can lose. The Divine Rapier may be the most bastardrous element of this game.

Now that you outed as scum. It would resolve in a coinflip at final 3 who would get the final rapier. I doubt Eevee would leave that as the conclusion of their game.

So either you are lying about something or there is a way to resolve that.

This makes more sense though. No way that you are the more active person that finds the Rapier first.

Who was XBlade 7?

the item just has target rb’d next night. simple
the other one has eevee go back and change the night results of the previous night, such that target player was rb’d by you

Wait if I try to do an action again today, I’d occupy myself. Killing you again.

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theres a way to resolve it.
i cant tell him because if he knows he may not be allowed to do it

So, it’s more like a res effect on even nights, which makes more sense balance wise too.

/vote solic

and as if that player was redirected to you and you were rb’d

there is definitely a way with the knowledge that solic and i currently know for the divine rapier situation to resolve itself