[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

i believe the scum tried to kill insanity last night

We may be at MyLo, proceed with caution


well, id be down for lynching fk if you all are?

Also there is 15 players now

perhaps eevee is finally including spectators

i.e. in that they are collectively a player.

/vote spectators
lets see if this works

Invalid vote

Day started 5 hours ago and still no lynches
pffft you guys are getting weak

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Hey, so I’m back from completely missing the last day, hows it going

so theres 6 real people alive. @Mercenary do you count in that?

@PoisonedSquid please confirm that you are alive

I am, mate. I’m about to do some Chemistry stuff

They are, they posted

My top 2 suspects are Bird and Squid
@maximusprime When did you Earthbind btw?

im just trying to get a list of alive people.
do you count as part of the 6 people?

well, @Mercenary?

can you explain?

So realistically its me, Simon, Merc, Squid, someone else and Hjasik alive since these have been the posters so far. Now any of them could be spectators, but at least they are active.