01010000 10110000 01110110 11110110 10110110 10010110 11001010 00000100 10100110 00100110 00000100 00100110 10010110 10101110 10001110 11001010 00100110 10100110 01110110 11110110 11001110 10010110 11110110 00001010 00000100 01001110 11110110 01010110 10100110 10110110 00000100 10100110 11100110 10000110 01001010
My attention span is shorter then this game lul
11010110 10010110 11001110 10000110 01010110 00010010 11111010 00010010 00000100 01001110 11110110 00000100 10100110 10110110 10010110 01001110 00001010 11001110 10101110 10110110 10010110 00011110 10000110 10110010 00000100 00101110 11110110 11110110 00010110 11001010
10011110 00110110 00110110 10000110 10101110 00101110 11000110 10000110 00000100 00100110 10010110 10101110 10001110 11001010 00000100 01001110 11110010
sorry for making this game a mess
11111100 00101110 11110110 11110110 00010110 11001110 00000100 10010010 00000100 00100110 00110110 10101110 11110110 00010110 11001110 00000100 11110110 00010110 11101010
00101110 01110110 10100110 10110110 00010110 11001110 10010110 01110110 10101110 00001110
/Shoot MaximusPrime
@discobot roll 1d100
Oh someone died
Flip incoming
Wait there’s a really awkward situation here
Hold on a second while I figure this out
Max has died. They were.
Meepo aligned with Town
So uh
There’s an situation I have to take care of