[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

Honestly, Spectators doing that shit was super fucking frustrating


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I was 9
And voted myself when I trhought I would die

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That’s ridiculous.

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But it’s literally just rng

Dude spectators should’ve just asked to join midway through

Like I did

Here i was hoping for items and a fun bastatrd game

Instead, i gotta FPS as a NE.

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Can i speak now or am i still in double hell

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I’m sorry I skipped a lot of stuff, really didn’t want to host this and so I super turbo’d this

I agree

games over,

speak freely.

Although the meme dead chat speaking was actually pretty funny


I posted all of the first act of macbeth :^)

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Best part of the game

Fun fact, I wasn’t part of the game until I asked eevee and FK if I could join since there was no rule in the OP about not being able to join midgame.


You shound have counted my shoot on you and made another player/spectator the host



Thats so much better than random spectators doing that shit tbh.

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I should have but then I literally wouldn’t have been able to get someone else as the host

It was, but everyone kept changing wether they reversed the binary so it got very frustrating especially on mobile

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Took me a while to come to the realization Hja was actually scum

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