[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

hja why

You were the on Who wrote that

Ahh, i think Ici is Pangolier


I’d expect scum to keep pushing since Psycho is extremely easy to mislynch.

I think someone made a vital error. By saying all checks are false it suggests we have to flip every check. Yet if we did that, wouldn’t the bastard element of lies be defeated?


Insanity’s just kinda there

You really need to work on talking about the right things in the future. While you have the motivation I don’t think you focus on the right things.

Take EFoL2 for example. Since you were going to die regardless there try to get as many reactions as possible. Even if you don’t know what to do with them just saying ‘you’ll die too’ isn’t helping.


i mean, Looking at the timing of start of the day to when Pkr got his redcheck (if hes telling the truth)

it was over an hour into the day

the check had very little chance to be tampered with

Think Polar Foil.

Mechanics mean nothing and reads trump all.

Icis Flavor


Is that flavor AI at all?

I guess this is technically a couplet.
I should probably explain what’s going on because my time’s not up yet.

no, it isnt

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Perhaps he has a post restriction

I think this is town!Insanity because scum would at least try to look productive.

That’s not what I was asking

Also you haven’t explained why you voted Psycho in the first place

At least It’s not making a haiku
For that, Eevee, I like you.