[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

Vote Count

Blizer- Psy-1/8
Celeste-Zone Blizer Geyde PKR Meteor Dat Hjaisk Psy Gamer Ici-10/8

Day continues

I need popcorn

No, she deffo is in game. It’s just people on this slot are trolls.
We have at least 3 trolls voting marg


/vote xblade2

What if youre just a troll

Been meaning to ask this, what exactly do you mean by “troll”?

I’ve explained my role in depth and my wincon.
Like, come on now.

Nvm I forgot that

Vote Count

Blizer- Psy-1/8
Celeste-Zone Geyde PKR Meteor Dat Hjaisk Psy Gamer Ici-9/8

Day continues

I need popcorn

marg aint xblade 2

It’s occured to me this forced colour might let me make a wish
Is this a good idea or do I have the brains of a fish.

Look at the amount of players who have posted.
24 people. 20 people who have posted multiple times. 2 of them are FK and Eevee. A bot and host.
So 18 people, 14 slots = At least 4 trolls

/vote xblade celeste

/vote xblade 15

Wait ici was blacklisted

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As I said, vote Xblade [number] or player name. I don’t know what you mean here.

Hence invalid vote.

Because I’m actually trying to read people instead of throwing shade around

/vote icibalus

/vote marg

If everyone who posts just votes Margaret / Celeste then we are guaranteed that we don’t have that many trolls.

Detective - Checks a slot per day to see alignment. Checks a slot per day to see who is in that slot. Can use both on same person.
At night turns into “Defective Detective” - Secretly Vanillizer a slot. They will think they are the same but their abilities will do nothing
Defeat all threats to the town

I’m not quoting because my ability names are different.

That’s a shadethrow in and of itself.

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