[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

oh god this smells

Well I don’t.
Ask Xblade 12. Perhaps they know more about it.


fuck it at this point

Last game on this site, lynch me if you want

im fucking done with Mafia at this point

*pats Blizer*
…I already am on you.

Are you ok?

Real talk here.

Vote Count!

Squid-Blizer Geyde Maxwell Meteor-4/7
Blizer-Psy Squid Zone-3/7


I’ll vote blizer

Sigh… It’s so sad that I cannot vote eevee, Margaret and NP…
Meanwhile, FK looks like a host, despite repeatedly claiming to be a player.

I think their defeatist attitude is indicative of town but ree

/vote blizer if this flips town I quit and try playing mountainous

Wait when did they do that. They are cohost

nah im not

im actually at my limit with some of the shit in general when it comes to mafia, and im kinda receding back into a worse mindset

i said that this game is me resigning from the site, but maybe even mafia aswell

i need to focus on my life, and these games get distracting.

i dont have time for them anymore


ill still be on discord and stuff

im going to make a going away post when i get back


Too sleepy.
ISO them.
Should be something like “player” from “Firekitten”, using advanced search function.

Can you explain this. Because these two quotes heavily imply you can kill him.

Like if you use your ability on Blizer I can try and keep you alive as long as your being trustworthy and it proves you were telling the truth. Even if my main ability is gone my second one can keep you safe.

Its probably just him being a bastard cohost

Lets just say its situational and not immediate. I can’t out the exact ability since it can be countered.

I’m just gonna ask you nicely? Are you an actual player or are you just joking about this whole radiant dire thing, like I wanna beleive you but no one else has said anything about these two factions but you. So like thats where my distrust is coming from. Plus we had a cop check yesterday that was completly fake, and just hurt town and I don’t want this again.

if need be i can be confirmed. lmk if thats necessary, yall

perhaps he was framed?

why do you only want to go on Blizer and not even consider anyone else? its kinda scummy imo /FoS Psycho

but any result can be fake, so its a good idea to put a bit of suspicion into every check

they wouldnt necessarily be inverted. they could be inverted, but they could also all be red, alternate between red and green (or some other similar pattern), they could be inverted parity checks, or something else completely

boi. you obviously see that he doesnt think Blizer is the most likely scum, so why even say this?

see above

thats kinda the point i believe

eh, i think eevee is specific about these things. i think that they are separate entities. I also suspect this is a sorc/inspect scenario and the thing about dire being a whole faction is a subtle bastard thing. kind of like that masquerade thing jammy hosted a while back, the one with a year-long night phase.

assuming you havent already, care to elaborate somewhat?


see above argument with eevee being specific about stuff like that

Why would I go through all this effort if I wasn’t in the game?