[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

(We will be quietly adding votes. Like if XBlade 17 was firekitten and there would be 3 votes on Fk and 2 on Xblade 17 - he would have 5 votes total.)


Anything exiciting happened so far?

Not really much. Couple of votes, discussion about how votes work by Eevee.
It’s pretty relaxed atm

Also @eevee add links to the OP like Xblade being revealed as mafia to make my job easier thanks :slight_smile:

Eww gross post
/vote Blizer

I’m your vote count bot, Xblade!

Vote Count

Xblade-Gamer Dat-2/8
Gamer-Squid Blizer-2/7
Xblade 2-PKR-1/8

Nice try buddy, but that’s the worst bait I’ve seen for a long time.

^^^ not a bait it’s true

One of them. Not a specific one

Hey PKR you read the bastard game I hosted right? You think Eevee did something like that Guilty Child and Xblade is actually town?

pretty sure that was a meme vote

also what if this game is not really bastard and they just told us it is to cause paranoia

I’m pretty sure it’s not and don’t like your whiteknight here.

Its not whiteknighting. If you read the context its pretty obvious that was a memevote.

Sorry, bucko, but this is a bastard game

Uhh, What.

It wasnt

Also What

/vote Psycho



what exactly do you want me to explain?

Pretty obvious

Why you thought my vote was a meme

Why do you think that the game is non-bastard, even though In the OP its stated that its bastard.

I just think it would be quite funny if someone decided to host a non-bastard game as bastard just to see how people react.

Also, your vote did seem like it wasn’t serious when I read it, but if your vote was legit, then NinjaPenguin was right about you.

/vote Blizer

I’m your vote count bot, Xblade!

Vote Count

Xblade-Gamer Dat-2/8
Xblade 2-PKR-1/8
Blizer-Ninja Psy-2/8