[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

You Do you friend.

Consider me pocketed if you keep me alive.

Are you even really colour-blind?



What’s your colour?

Faction and wincon?

Actually, I am

Color is duller for me then usual, and its hard for me to determine Shades.

Grey, Which is a shade.

Neutral Evil

Wincon is steal 3 items and hold unto them till the end of the game.

I may be able to help you get 1 object,provided you side with town

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Now I feel slightly bad about that, but I still think my skepticism was warranted.

Consider me pcoketed

I did not directly lie to any player… yet

However players and non-players may easily lie to you and I have nothing to say about it.
Game is actualy playable and bastard mechanics aren’t directly about lying to players or bastard roles.

Nah, it was def deserved.

I just want items.

But this is not in the OP, hence it can be a lie. :eyes:



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The last time I got a player to claim neutral, it was Celeste who claimed “Judge” who had to see 3 evils be executed during the day. Turned out they had the wincon of seeing town lose…

Yeah Blizer, neutclaimsout in this setup.

And you can scream at Eevee if you’re legit and there is actually another neutral that would hunt you, because that warrants screaming.

So let’s hang Blizer today.

I dont have any knowledge of that, so yeah

feels bad man.

But wait though… I didn’t receive that PKR is not a player. So Meteoro might be on a scumteam with PKR, which I really don’t want to believe.