[FM] F11! | Day 4 (3/9) | GAME END - eevee and an_gorta_pratai win!

Hold on a second…?

I mean, just saying. I’m not one of the people who pushed DatBird.

Sigh, let me explain what happened this game to you.

VTs job in a setup like this is to draw kills to themselves, to either buy more time to cop or make choices easier for doctor.

Hence I claimed cop and Hjasik/Meteoro cc’ed it. No idea if they knew I’m faking, but I got a reputation of person who fakes roles anyway.
The point is they did it to widen the cop poll, making role huunting even harder for mafia.

And it worked, as you can see.

On day 3 it started to be obvious that cop doesn’t exist, or with 3 checks they would be able to lock this game, even if one of checks died (him + 2 other cop checked could just lynch the remaining 2).

Hence I guess Maximus initiated the cop claim to draw more information AND lead town as confirmed town (well in his eyes), since he could always claim doctor next day after misslynch and be cleared of suspicion.
Hence I went with claim swap, to draw a kill on me, suspecting that Max is a doc.

That’s why I don’t think you are mafia.
You are not yet on level to understand the game situation behind posts and wich play has what meaning.

( @Kirefitten ping for you, since interesting post )

But this makes no sense. Especially since in my attempted logs since I expected to die, I thought I had game solved. This is what I attempted to post:

We rolled the setup:

  • 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Doctor, 6 Townies.

MaximusPrime is scum.

Also. Eevee is scum in my eyes, they claimed Doctor.


Convince me you are not scum.

I don’t need to. If you believe I’m scum that’s up to your mistakes.

Besides. Mafia had to get the quick lynch once Maximus said that Bird is mafia yesterday.

So. Here’s my question to you.

Convince me you’re not scum. Mr. Townie claiming Doctor.

And it’s not like you did it so you wouldn’t die last night, since you did it after hammer had struck. At that point you all would’ve assumed you hammered a scum so game would’ve been over.

You would’ve had no reason to claim Doctor at the end of yesterday.

And if you want a meta check from me on all the plays:

Claiming JK to draw a kill on me, while having real JK protect me: https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/19725-Hydra-Game-3-A-Hedgehog-Guide

Claim swapping with town doctor (not very succesful):

Claim swap with town vig (very succesful):

This is a tough choice. On one hand eevee voted maf 1 but also pushed datbird and claimed doc.

I will say that whether or not you have trusted me, it is the absolute truth that I am the only townie alive

So you were thinking we followed a real cop?

I wasn’t the one following them. You guys were. But at the time. Yes I believed we were following a real cop… until I scrolled down and saw DatBird’s flip.

I mean if you are telling truth, then I’m clearing Max for wrong reasons, cause you didn’t understant what’s going on either.


So… @Maxwell

What was your PoV on each of the lynches before and after they happened?

Why was you on them?

I am leaning towards siding with you. You actually claimed cop early and were the SECOND vote on Mafia 1, who Waz did not vote for.

Answer question first.

I thought the datbird lynch was too quick

Maf 1 was miraculous

Just got back on my laptop hold on