[FM] F11! | Day 4 (3/9) | GAME END - eevee and an_gorta_pratai win!

But you posted it in the thread. Legally I’m allowed to use that. If you didn’t want me to use that then you prod in classcards.

But yes. I will not use that as evidence.

I mean, it was 3 votes on mafia and 1 vote on me.

You brought it to 3-2 instead till someone told you to change vote.

Oh i remember
I was initially sus of a day 1 cop out
But then I realized after further analysis someone was cop and had gotten maf 1

If it is going to be used as reasoning for something it will count as angleshooting.

We can have this conversation after game.

I never intended to use it as reasoning for anything. I just wanted to know before I did.

Waz never claimed cop, I just realized.
You did early game Eevee and claimed doc as a deflection later which seemed to have worked.
I am leaning towards identifying you as cop

… There is no cop?

sorry i forgot how there is no cop again

That is what we have.

If we had cop, game would be lock solved yesterday.

Ah, my bad. I had only looked at the first option.
God this is tough

Game would’ve always been lock solved if we just rolled a cop.

I cannot understand the day 3 lynch

that was my worst misplay. I had no reads

I mean…

What’s more likely to hit mafia.

Vig shoot or lynch?

Okay I died in ToL.

the latter probs with 1 maf alive skilled in deception

The first. Always.

Vig is unaffected opinion of a townie.
In lynch mafia can vote as well, aka influence it.

Hnghh. This is 50/50

So, who’s going to be the first vote?