[FM] F11! | Day 4 (3/9) | GAME END - eevee and an_gorta_pratai win!

I will not vote first. If you must, kill me and end it. GG whoever the maf is, I should have been more active and i wasn’t which makes me the perfect scapegoat

None of us really was active this game tbh.

Also i have reversed my thoughts

I forgot I even replaced in for Pug honestly.

I guess we have a recorded of lesser posts

i just can’t see another maf being the driving force in getting another maf lynched day 2 with only 2 maf in-game. It’s just inconceivable to me.

Wait the game is still running

:b:egone, @Mercenary!


I will tell you what I want to do right now - Moscow LyLo solving.

First, everyone says who they suspect most.
Then person who is most suspected by general thread votes a person who they suspect most.
Making it effective 1 vs 1 and after some more 1 vs 1 discussion, remaining people decide.

Why this instead of random votes?

If most suspected is mafia, they will chose a townie and will make it 1 vs 1 with TOWN deciding.
If most suspected is town, they can still chose mafia for 1 vs 1 and have TOWN deciding.

If town is most suspected and they chose town… it means town was just scumreading each other and it would be lost anyway if they voted randomly.

That’s a methode for LyLos wich lowers the risk of random votes and quickhammers.

@Maxwell @Wazza
Who are you suspecting most rn?

I actualy never saw it being used on forums, just real mafia, just saying.

Not sure how it would work here.

( @Kirefitten )

Maxwell are my thoughts at the moment of being scum. But that’s just what you want to hear.

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I admit it, I did hopped to hear it.

Noone likes being misslynch target in LyLo.

For me it is Waz. Waz may have been AFK night 1 but that’s not an exoneration from blame for not voting maf 1. It is true eevee lynched datbird along with me but that was based off of credible seeming information from Maxi. At that point I still thought there was a cop. I also find it possible maf stay out of that with the intel datbird is not maf to try to seem innocent later.

Being the second vote and real hammer forger on maf 1 day 2 is such a monumentously baffling play as mafia in a 2 maf game that without a cop, i don’t think anyone could have seen through that sort of haze. I don’t think you or anyone has the balls to pull this off, eevee, but if you did, you’ve certainly earned this win.

I stand by my decision to refuse to vote first. So it’s all up to you, eevee.


What would happen if mafia was afk whole night and did not submit an action?

Feel free to refuse to answer if that’s too much angleshooty question.

Can the dead mafia puppet the afk one action?

I was afk D1 and never knew what class I was until D2

Like I’m saying, I didn’t even know my class until D2 due to not being messaged in it.

/vote Maxwell

Guess I’m the first to strike.