[FM] FoL Community Forum Mafia - Pug Victory! Who the hell let the dogs out?

did you already use it? bettter use before you die right?

No i still have access to it

Why u steal meh meme.

Im back from national mafia tournament.

That means that all pending results from my event will be sent soon.

/join @Marluxion

oh wait I’m too late nooooooo

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@MaximusPrime you are actually an important class drop out you might die.

I stand by that if only for the fact of available information I am the best recipient for the dayvig.
If it helps, ill let you guys come to a consensus first and just shoot that person if they’re not immune

What are the post requirements @MaximusPrime

Brah I literally shot a mafia with my last vig how are you a better candidate than me

i think max need to sandwich you post?


And like I said I’m willing to take input

If you are an invest and not sharing your info you are doing it wrong.

I’m referring to this

I am sharing info that I for no apparent reason have gained
-fk not being dayvig immune today
-Celeste not being dayvig immune when they claimed to be

You sharing who’s day vig immune just lets the sniper know who not to shoot

Event 3 result. (Should be yesterday, but I was too busy rekitng polish mafia players):

Winners: @Moleland and @Hippolytus

Mole's rap

Salty Sam, my main man
He’s here to rage, but I don’t give a damn.
Get’s mislynched all the time
get rekt scrub by my little rhyme

Come on man, you need to chill
Otherwise all the time, I will kill.
My scans detect, that your instinct
for scum is, sadly, extinct.

Yo, Hippo - he’s the man
‘Thinks up’ insults that no one else can
Just like those losers on reddit
Steals ideas from others - reaps the credit

As scum, he’s kinda dumb
As town, he’s a total clown
But I can see a fate in store, so cruel
Hey Hippo - Did you roll neutral?

Hippo's rap

Sam. Defender of scum,
leader of none.
Punk rhymes Wolf with Wolf…
Who are ya’?

Cuz I’m here spittin’ sick sick fire,
and you suckin’ like a damn vampire.
My rhythm’s hot,
Although sometimes I accidentally use too many syllables in a line which breaks the tempo.

And then the rat,
Got no game, Got no fame,
Always Prince, never King.
Mindless bleating.

Always same role, plan’s got a loophole,
Never bothers to scroll, the occasional troll,
Crawl back to your pathetic hole,


@techwolves shoot someone. Holding onto it is just susp.