[FM] FoL Community Forum Mafia - Pug Victory! Who the hell let the dogs out?

I had no choice I gave firekitten a dayvig


/ita 360 no scope Simon

Why not me I killed a mafia with the other one.

Also, Simon left the following journal -

hey guys! I should probably claim my class now. i claim observer.
if you couldnt tell, I am Insanity, town invest.
i have a day ability which allows me to see if somebody would die to a dayvig. i used it on celeste d1 of course, so thats how i knew
i have 2 night abilities, the one im using n1 allows me to place a marker on someone (i.e. i dont have to continuously use it, it just stays on the target untill i use it again on someone else) and if i die whoever has the “marker” will have their faction publicly revealed. im not sure as to the interactions with inverse-framing (cant think of the word rn), but although that may cover up their faction if i die at night and it was an ability, it probably wont if i am hanged, unless maybe its a passive. i used this on mole n1 as per my asking. i lied about it taking another night to prevent the mafia from occing me. my other one is a semi-observer. i can see who a target player visits, but not who visits them.
for eeeveeee’s 1st event (7 players, anonymous.)it was a thing where we had to answer a bunch of questions and whoever ansered the most the same as other people (amt of other people that answered that way points per question) i won it and i got a 1 shot ability rolestopper (https://goo.gl/HuocC1) and it can be used alongside other actions. i chose not to use it n1 because i think im good and dont want to waste it

That’s quick, Hippo.

@Shurian At least I won’t hit you again.

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He’s already dead…

@Firelitten don’t shoot until I tell you to. Parfait is pretty suspicious in the current event tho

hes fucking dead

You may not fire at the dead.



Parfait is poisoned

Nerbins you lucky sonnofa bitch

I’m retarded .-.

/ita CaptainNerbins

I have a 50 chance to hit

Let me shoot at the sus people first


Shoot in Sam Nerbins Insanity


/Ita @Nerbins

I didn’t sandwich you enough cause you didn’t fucking talk