[FM] FoL Community Forum Mafia - Pug Victory! Who the hell let the dogs out?

/vote PKR

let’s go

/shrugs and as I role blocked PKR
Roleblocking is so good when its against the killer tho.

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Aye, that’s what my sources told me :stuck_out_tongue:

Still why is nobody claiming PKR if PKR isn’t the NK?
This fact alone confirms me.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
PokemonKidRyan Moleland, Shurian, NozBugz, Pug 4

An event is starting in 10 minutes. Be there or be square

Ur square

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Join this event! Everyone who joins will get a prize of some kind

Warning; Not all prizes are positive. If you’re seeing negative effects from your prize after 6 hours, you may want to call your doctor. Prizes are not for everyone, and your mileage may vary.

But you have the Marl guarantee that this event will be fun!

Unlike some of them. cough

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Just make the event compulsory. /join

the 2 events I’ve been on have both been amazing tbf

oh wait I was also in the bull shit boat one

@Shurian @PokemonKidRyan @Moleland @Ami @Pug last one to join gets day-viged

So what you’re saying is… Make the event happen right here in the thread? :thinking:

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Yeah why not

It’s hardly interrupting the riveting discussing were having.

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All 6 living players have been forced to join my event!

@PokemonKidRyan @moleland @Hippolytus @shurian @Ami @Pug

This will be the final event from me (with majority kicking off tommorow.)

Eevee could still run another event tho so might not be the last


:ghost: :popcorn:

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The Event

Afterlife Charades has begun.

I will be sending a single word to the folks in the dead chat. They will have a limited amount of time to agree on an image to be sent in the thread. The first player to guess the word correctly will earn a point. If no players are able to guess the word correctly, I’ll blacklist the dead player who submitted it! (Not really)

You only get 2 guesses as to the word!
To guess, simply time
/Guess (Word)
The answer will always be one word, not multiple. No acronyms either