[FM] FoL Community Forum Mafia - Pug Victory! Who the hell let the dogs out?

Sorry Shuri, you’re dead, also I got your class card ;D

P sure I killed the Mafia if I remember correctly.

your actions pretty much killed him


But who started the event

I take 25% credit

How are you alive? Weren’t you attacked?

he was never attacked?

Me me me

A demigod during my event!

Protect Fire at all costs because ITAS are amazing. Also Protect Jailkeeper Tech. Also Protect Gunsmith Max. Ez.

I am the mossiah

I am on tech. If we have someone on me would be well appreciated

/Wish sam was night immune for tonight

Except we have like 5 TP claims so I dont trust you.

Why do you /wish

Yay! Thanks for the night immunity hopefully it comes true!

Stop wishing jesus


Name all the TP’s?

It doesnt count he has already made like 5

It is the latest one that comes true though?

Burrito and livi were both TP and are dead so confirmed. There was someone else who I forgot and you.