[FM] FoL Community Forum Mafia - Pug Victory! Who the hell let the dogs out?


cough thought I made it clear

Stop RPing as the ultimate gambler or whatever pls

Show us how you can really gamble, sometimes(a lot of the time) you play things way too safe

What happened on the last 100 posts

Also I’m giving the dayvig to hippo so pls don’t kill him yet

Too late

@MaximusPrime im just waiting on a flip l0l

Well fuck

Now I have to search for new screenshots

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Please tell me you’re VI so I can give you a day vig instead. Let me sandwich you pls

You can give me a weak dayvig :wink:


Im Moleland


C00l u alrdy did that b4


Stap changing your picture I think you are a different player every time!

Lul me too


Proceeds to change pfp again
