[FM] FoL Community Forum Mafia - Pug Victory! Who the hell let the dogs out?

If me getting 10 votes in 1 min is not obvious idk what is

Also if i claim maf can snipe me d2

Tbf part of it is that it is a closed list so people can’t fall back on the usual mechanical confirmation meta of FoL. People have to scumread instead and because many aren’t experienced at it they just shit post. That combined with a long-ass day has resulted in the spam.



So? It’s better than be dead right now

He was added late so I doubt he’s mafia tbh


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That’s fine. I cant manage 4 fols anyway dying will make it easier

4 mins boiz

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Can we agree not to spam D2?

Just start your ita immediately. Another 4 ppl will die lel.

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Can you make me immune again? Parfait is still alive and I’m scared :scream:

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We need a list of people to day vig

I have one already.

I have one personal vendetta on it and 2 scumreads.

I think the personal is par tbh

I imagine good invests should have something tomorrow aswell.

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Nah par is probably town. My personal one is kinda null for me atm so idgaf

Execute Memesky? Sure thing! Let me just get something ready.

/pushes button on remote controller.


Tiny Tank in position.

Target acquired… Firing…

Memesky has been hit!

Memesky was…


Mafia Offensive
“I got bleed by my own Wolf -_-” ~PoisonedSquid
Poisoned(by)Squid (Night) - Each night you can select a person to poison and a person to fake poison. Targeted players will be announced as poisoned at the start of the day and will die at the end of it, unless healed.
Squid, not octopus! (Day) - Select a player. Everyone visiting them tonight will be redirected to a person 1 above or below on the playerlist. Bypasses redirect immunity.

Memesky has left the following journal.

Journal :
Meme exed amazing. As you can see im town.
You should check my voters
Idk how i got as many votes for no reason.But at least you get punished for a mislynch


Night has begun and will end in 24 hours or when all night actions have been sent.


This is your nightly reminder to send in your night actions if you haven’t already.

You will not be granted an extension for forgetting to send one in!

Night ends in roughly 9 hours at 10 AM CST.

2 and a half hours remain until daytime. Make sure to send in your actions and journal if you wish to leave one. We will not accept any after 10 AM CST


The Sun rises!

Underneath a firetruck, you find a corpse!

Celeste_Ludenberg was…


Town Investigative
" :octopus: " ~ Moleland
Pickaxe Protection (Day) - Tonight, you and your target for Hide in the Mole Hole will be immune to attacks. Will not save you if you target a member of the mafia - 1 use
Hide in the Mole Hole (Night) - Hide underneath a player’s room. Anyone who tries to visit you directly will fail. However anyone who targets your target will also target you. If you ever target a member of the mafia with this, you will die.

They have left the following journal -

N1: Hide - Techwolves
If i die but they do not, tech is either passively immune to attack or are mafia