[FM] FoL Community Forum Mafia - Pug Victory! Who the hell let the dogs out?

I don’t have one.

Who was MaximusPrime giving to again…

It doesn’t matter

Yeah you’re right, two dayvigs so that’s that.


  • 3 people
  • NO risk of death, poison, ketchup, mayonaise or mustard

/joins after this post.

Is Mayonaise a instrument?

/join @eevee



I need healing!

just join frost jesus

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Frost do not try to win

Thanks m

If frost wins we riot

Wow…just wow, one way just to piss at the wrong tree.



there is literally no risk what are you on

I am literally not the only one.

/join @eevee


Time to rig this!


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that was livicus’ job who you shot

Event join list:

  • Firekitten
  • Maximus Prime
  • Hippolytus