[FM] FoL Community Forum Mafia - Pug Victory! Who the hell let the dogs out?

seems legit. I survived cuz I healed myself/fire healed me

I healed you as well lel

That was the reward for winning overwatch event and fire said he put in his action to heal me instead of him lol

fuck sake lol

Hang on ur invest

Nobody else was poisoned anyway

Shurian was

I am everything - I am RNGoddess

Did you have a triple heal or something?

I can choose an ability to earn with % chance of success for each, and my odds get 5% better each time I succeed or win an event. I’ve succeeded every night so far, so…


Who tf are you?

There was an overwatch event? Ahhhhh XD

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The last one yeah. I don’t think I won I wasn’t informed.

Aha ofc

We had to build the perfect team from alive players.

Oh my lord. FeelsBadMan

It was a really clever event

Sorry man I absolutely am blanking out so I cant actually help with reading peeps >.<