Mole was
Town Suport
“I am the RNGoddess ~ Celeste”
Lottery ticket - Every night you may buy ticket for a lottery, to try to win a specific item. Chances for each item:
- 15% Magnifying Glasses (Cop)
- 15% Guns (Vigilante)
- 25% Syringes (Doctor)
- 25% Crown (Doublevoter)
- 35% GPS Locators (Tracker)
- 35% Binoculars (Watcher)
Each item is 1-shot use and may be used at any time of day or night and if can, will work for a whole cycle.
Strategy in the madness (Passive) - Each time you win a lottery or a day event, chance to win every item is increased by 5%.
RNG is my savior (Passive) - First succesful attack on your life will fail.