[FM] Fun Chaos!? ~ Everyone Won? Mafia, Medusa, Werewolf, Guardian, And Town win!

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That honestly just looks like a normal push to me.
It would be scorned like if you were confirmed town, but you’re not unlike what you keep implying

Tbh I feel it’s a little cheatsy to do that

Is it tho?

Let jailkeeper jail and exe me

Well that’s why the limiter is there
No specifically targeting a single person
Cannot change what abilitiessomeone is allowed to use

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Why do you want that so much

So Marl doesn’t win as scorned

Are you a maf vet or something

We could make a law where you must be friendly to your neighbor

(Basically gain day/night chat with them)

Jailing I think causes prevention

Yet you claim jester apparently
Doesn’t that mean you 2 can work together? You share the same wincon

I will go discuss this with the Bastard kingdom

(plz wait)

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I don’t want Marl to win as scorned so let jailkeeper exe em

Tbh I would assign myself

Simon because he came up with the idea…and…who else?




No I don’t believe that
Why not work with him? You can both win out you are lynched

Now actually clain if you want to be jailed

Bad ideas 101