[FM] Fun Chaos!? ~ Everyone Won? Mafia, Medusa, Werewolf, Guardian, And Town win!

/destroy the law destroy

Guys I may of lied.

I may of misinterpreted what he meant by me being able to sign laws. There is no council I have infinite power.


I swear on my town honor that I shall not pass a law without consulting Simon.

Im shooting u 2nite reee (i bypass immunity)


Im serious.


Cuz bad neighbor

If I switch the neighbors?


I wont shoot u and i will use my guard ability :slight_smile:


K I’ll give you hippo.

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Wait no better idea


Fair point

the dream team :^)

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You’ll pay for this Mayor Litten!

wait is hip dead or no?

Hippo is halfded halfalive

im on the council dont i need to confirm it?

Ur gonna be alone in that chat tomorrow

wait why kill fk?

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