[FM] Fun Chaos!? ~ Everyone Won? Mafia, Medusa, Werewolf, Guardian, And Town win!

Vote the guy with the roblox profile picture before you chillax

Roblox? I only see Minecraft.
Oh well lets vote Simon then.

/vote Simon.

Who wants chicken?

Simon Is just going to try and make us play passively, I’m not going to be scared of being hung if I think it’s for the right cause

Super LAMIST post :thinking:

/vote Shurian

They don’t even pretend they care.

When did I ever say that
No lynching day 1 =/= playing passively the entire game

Stop twisting my words

I’m not, your playing passively by not wanting to lynch day 1.
Whats not to understand? You probably got fed up with being hung day 1 so you are attempting to no lynch.

We are lynching today even if that’s me being hung, I don’t care but I’m not going to waste day 1 on being too worried to lynch, the fact is that most players here understand day 1 lynch can be a game changer, and Fm isn’t just night action based due to the extensive amount of time compared to TOL.

Thing is your now accusing me of putting words in your mouth and your showing that you aren’t strong enough to even look at the bigger picture.

here is why I'm ignoring part of your post in the rest of my argument

Okay I will admit this part is obviously due to a miscommunication. You were saying I was trying to getting to play passively

(which I'm not btw)

(I’m voting no lynch because I believe it to be the best course of action for me, both game wise and not so. Sure I would like it if other people no lynch add well, but I think they should vote what they think is best, and if it’s no lynch all the better. Like I said as long as it isn’t Sheep’d it should be fine)

From my perspective this implies I am trying to get town to play passively the entire game (and if that is what you meant then yes you definitely were twisting my words as I have never said that), whereas apparently you intended that not to imply the entire game

Yeah basically. I don’t want something annoying to happen to someone. So sue me.

And I’ve said I still have my stand despite the mechanical advantage

Yes I know. For one, there are also day actions. For two, logical reasoning and scumreading/scumhunting. I’m not against either, I just tend not to personally use traditional scumreading

How. I addressed what you said in your post.
Do you expect me to argue your point to myself for you or something?

So even though lynching D1 is obviously optimal for town you don’t want to because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings? Also, if you are town, what is best for you is best for town. The fact you keep saying stuff like this:

Makes it seem like either you aren’t town or you just do not understand that FM is a team-game.

Its more so that I don’t want people to lynch me d1 for no reason other than to lynch someone (hence why I’m not going after you guys for lynching me, it’s not for no reason) and I don’t want to be a hypocrite

Not quite. I am doing what I think is most likely to fulfill my win condition of the scums dying. While this does mean that what is best for the town is best for me, that is not necessarily the case for “what is best for each individual within the town is the best for me.” I am trying to defeat the mafia and evil neutrals, which does not necessarily concern others

I recognize that fm is a team game
Hence why I am not trying to convince people it is best for them, as it very well might not be. I’m voting it because it’s best for me. If the majority of people also think the same way then it will happen and otherwise it wont

If you are town what is best for town is best for you. Period.

Shurian is already confirmed to me :thinking:

Simon say
“I am a member of the town.”

I am a member of the town

I stand by what I said as it somewhat disagrees with you

That is just wrong tho. Think what is best for the team not for yourself. Be a team-player.

What I said is correct.
I am playing to my wincon of defeating scum. Working with everyone else does not necessarily habe anything to do with that

That is literally just 100% unequivocally incorrect.

This is true
/unvote Simon